Luxury Water Bouquet

Luxury water bouquet in pink, lilac and cream.

Our Luxury Water Bouquet, shown here in shades of lilac, purple, pink, cream and green is one of our most popular designs, and we love making them! Always appreciated by recipients as they are ready-arranged, tied and wrapped in a water reservoir, set into a box after being wrapped in toning cellophane, tissue and ribbon. They need no further attention, but if preferred may be taken out of the wrapping and placed in your own vase.

We will choose from the freshest seasonal varieties of flowers available, such as chrysanthemums, roses, lisianthus, stocks, antirrinum, limonioum, eryngium thistle, berries and freesia. Foliages such as beregrass, cocculus, ruscus, Italian ruscus, myrtle, aspidistra leaves for example will be included to complete this luxury design.

We will choose a colour palette to reflect the season in which the flowers are ordered, so leave that up to us, but if you would like a specific colour scheme, please just mention it in the comments section on the online order form and we will do our best to execute it.

Luxury Water Bouquet

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
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